How long does it take to onboard a new employee?

How long does onboarding take, though? A day? six weeks? A year? In this post, we will address this.

Onboarding is a critical part of any business because it helps new employees feel comfortable with their job responsibilities and culture. This allows them to quickly learn the company's processes and gain confidence as they begin contributing to the success of the organization.

The onboarding starts the moment you break the good news to the new hire. Communicate your onboarding calendar at that time, so they know what to expect. The average new hire is anticipated to complete 60 actions during their onboarding process, according to our data for onboarding employees.

The Time Frame For Onboarding

If you're looking to hire new employees, it‘s important to understand how long it will take to onboard them. There are several reasons why knowing this timeframe is beneficial. First, it gives you an idea of when you should expect to see results from your efforts. Second, it lets you plan accordingly. Third, it helps you determine whether you need to make changes to your recruiting strategy.

What is the ideal length for the onboarding procedure?

Three to six months is the most widely acknowledged response in the HR community. After six months, 15% of businesses still enroll new employees. However, within the first six months, over 90% of employees make their decision to stay or leave.

Some studies suggest that companies can increase job satisfaction by extending onboarding for the entire first year of employment. When a more thorough onboarding program is developed and lasts the entire first year, employees become more effective, feel more comfortable in their workplace, know what to do when they have issues, adapt to the business culture, and establish stronger employee relationships.

Employee Onboarding Calendar for the First 90 Days

Like any sophisticated process, onboarding new staff requires deliberate, well-documented steps. Your process will get off to a good start by using the instructions below. Create a one-of-a-kind onboarding experience that matches your company's organizational structure by customizing them with sub-steps relevant to your business culture. This will boost retention rates right away.

Relational onboarding

The employee handbook should not be read and paperwork should not be considered as a straightforward transaction during the onboarding process. Relational onboarding entails embracing and nurturing new hires to help them perform at their peak, as well as giving them the support, direction, and expectations they need to succeed in their new roles.

New hires can more rapidly adapt to the culture of your company and accelerate their learning process if you assist them establish strong relationships with their managers and coworkers. Think about organizing coffee breaks of 15minutes where new hires are each week welcomed by other colleagues and/or managers.

With vs without onboarding box

On average 28% of new hires leave within their first 90 days, a tremendous cost for every company. One of the key reasons mentioned is the feeling of being disconnected from the company & colleagues and feeling like an outsider. To establish that strong relationship, your new hires deserve a fitting warm welcome. By upgrading your onboarding process with employee onboarding boxes, you can boost the feeling of inclusion and make the new hires immediately part of the team. Onboarding boxes are the tool to speed up your onboarding process!

What about onboarding without an onboarding box?

Companies cannot afford to underestimate the significance of onboarding, especially given the current War for Talent. In fact, according to a recent Forbes article, organizations without a structured and uniform onboarding program see a 46% decrease in newly hired employees' productivity and a twofold decrease in engagement. Additionally, the expense of losing a new hire within the first 12 months might be as much as two years' worth of that employee's compensation. One of the key reasons for retention mentioned is the feeling of being disconnected from the company & colleagues and feeling like an outsider.

As a result it takes more time for the new hires to reach full productivity, to feel aligned with the values and to adapt to the company culture. Additionally, their research showed that structured onboarding is currently the HR management discipline that receives the least attention, despite having the greatest potential to help public and private companies around the world overcome one of their biggest challenges: how to retain and recruit new employees.

How Can You Ensure That Your Onboarding Process Works Well?

There are several ways to ensure that your onboarding process works well:

  • Make sure that you have clear expectations for each employee.
  • Provide ongoing support throughout the onboarding process.
  • Communicate clearly and frequently during the onboarding period.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of stress or burnout among new hires, take steps to address them before they become serious issues.

Once a new hire has been successfully integrated into the team, there are still some things to do after the initial onboarding period. One of the most important tasks is to establish a culture of trust. This will help prevent future problems with morale and productivity. Another key task is to set up regular meetings between managers and employees. These meetings should focus on providing feedback and discussing any concerns.


The question of how long onboarding should last has been discussed. However, the main goal is for you to do more than just fill out paperwork and mark things off of an onboarding checklist. It is crucial to give new hires a great onboarding experience because doing so will reduce turnover costs and foster a positive work environment. Your onboarding process is one of the most critical HR activities for the long term success and ongoing engagement of your employees. Next to developing their skills and knowledge, you have to guide them to become real brand ambassadors thanks to personalized onboarding boxes.

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